The Modern “Wheel of Opportunity“

Capitalize on your Social Network on LinkedIn at Scale on Email


  • We could either count on our pile of business cards
  • Or ask the receptionist – “Hi! Who is in charge of your IT”…or “Who is the CMO”?


  • We can find the names of our prospects connected to our 1st-degree connections.
  • BUT – have restricted opportunities to chat up directly


  • You can instantly map out all your mutual connections with any 2nd- degree connections you want to connect or pitch to
  • You can either pitch them by referencing your mutual connections, OR
  • Ask your mutual connections to broker an introduction to them

Utilize Rolodexer for Campaigns, Social Selling and Referral Marketing

Map out your mutual connections with your dream prospect list at scale. Enrich your email marketing campaigns by simply referencing the mutual connections to 2X your open and reply rates, or proactively ask for an introduction from your mutual connections to the prospects.

Capitalize on your Rolodex of connections to

Gain a consistent, go-to source of social selling opportunities

Utilize the network effect

3x your cold outreach initiatives

Instantly map out mutual connections & shared experiences

You need to have something mutual to connect with someone, like mutual connections, same university, same volunteering experience, or mutual ex-employer


10 cents/

per request

Map up to 500 contacts per day

Use Case 1

Directly pitch your 2nd- degree LinkedIn contacts.

Rolodexer automates this mapping process and generates subject lines and intro lines that are going to 3x your outbound email marketing performance.

Use Case 2

Get introduced to your 2nd- degree LinkedIn contacts.

Proactively ask for introductions to your 2nd-degree prospects from your mutual connection.

Got interested?

Book for a demo call!